
Reflections on Yoorrook and Palestine

Today (June 7th) marks the final day of the Yoorrook Justice Commission hearings investigating injustices in housing, health, education and economic life for First Nations peoples in Victoria. These hearings are providing space for First Nations peoples’ to give evidence in a larger act of Truth-telling, to acknowledge and hold account the institutions that contribute to genocidal and discriminatory practices. But, Sissy Austin writes, we can not be selective of which genocides we choose to be outraged over.

Yoorrook Justice Commission: Jarvis’ Story

The Yoorrook Justice Commission has been travelling across Victoria as part of its work to put the true history of the state since colonisation on the public record. The Commission has heard from thousands of First Peoples during the truth telling process – the first of its kind in Australia. Commissioner Maggie Walter shares one of the testimonies being presented today, from a First Nations man named Jarvis. Commissioner Walter has shared this with his permission.

Impact statement from Nathan Booth’s family

Nathan Booth was reported missing in July 2019, and after months of inaction from the police, his body was found in December that year, in the Murrumbidgee. After five years of waiting, the inquest into Nathan’s death is continuing this week. Yesterday Nathan’s family made a statement, which we have published with their permission.

Sorry Day: “I don’t want to stand here in 10 years-time doing the same thing”

Disclaimer: Readers please be advised this article mentions the historical and ongoing Stolen Generations, Aboriginal children being taken from their families and contains images of…

The Royal Commission Report into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody shows a history of no police accountability

Readers please be advised this article mentions harm against Aboriginal people, deaths in custody, names of people who have passed away, and racist terminology. In…

Enough is enough. Australia is in a crisis of violence against women

Readers please be advised that this article contains mentions of violence against women and ongoing violence and discrimination against a First Nations person. As we…

Still too many coppas, not enough justice

“Too Many Coppas, Not enough Justice” A protest chant heard annually on Jan 26 and regularly through the year whenever the police do their acts…

He never had a chance – honouring the memory of Joshua Kerr

Meriki Onus honours the life and death of a proud Gunnai, Gunditjmara, and Yorta Yorta man, Joshua Kerr who tragically died in custody in 2022. Meriki has been present at Josh's inquest and offers her insights and reflections into systemic oppression and historical injustices.

Post-referendum Invasion Day: Let’s not bring back #changethedate

In the lead up to Invasion Day this year I’m seeing renewed energy towards keeping/changing the date amongst many non-Indigenous people online. My guess is…

Indigenous Writers in Solidarity with Palestine

Blak solidarity with Palestinian people is powerful, writes Karen Wyld. Karen reflects on friendships and solidarity between Blak and Palestinian writers, and mutual support for Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination.

Public Statement from Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM on Treaty and the Voice

Senior initiated clan leader of the Yolŋu Nation of North East Arnhem Land, Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM outlines his position on Treaty and the upcoming Voice Referendum.

We don’t want ‘equity’, acknowledge our sovereignty

Adjunct Professor Phillip Mills of the Kulkalgal Nation, explores the importance of prioritising sovereignty over equity for Indigenous peoples’ survival.

Fighting racism needs to go beyond banning symbols and ‘bad words’

Arrernte writer Celeste Liddle speaks up about the racism, targeted and racialised bullying she has endured, concluding that Australia has little hope of ever eradicating the extreme racism of fascists.

Another inquiry in NSW, another missed opportunity for change

In NSW the Coroner is crucial in determining cause of death whenever there is a sudden, unexpected or unnatural death in the community, including when the police are involved. A recent inquiry into this system has revealed an unwillingness on behalf of government to implement changes that could save countless Aboriginal families needless grief and suffering, Lindsay McCabe explains.

Australian youth justice systems are in crisis: now is the time to Raise The Age

Cheryl Axleby, Co-Chair of Change the Record writes of the crisis of the overrepresentation of First Nations children in incarceration. We need to raise the age of criminal responsibility.

‘Star Pupil’ vs ‘Unwanted Baby’: Language in the media coverage of Zachary Rolfe’s trial

The coverage on the Rolfe trial could make a reader question who is the one really being judged – the deceased or the police officer standing trial?

The need for Indigenous Australians to be their own narrators is more important than ever

Social media has allowed community to tell their stories their way, but non-mob must recognise cultural growth and adaption as well as tradition

Rest as Resistance

Mililma May, Larrakia/Tiwi woman and co-founder of Uprising of the People writes about rest as resistance during a global pandemic and rise of white supremacists anti-vax groups.

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