
Indigenous organisations need more support to respond to climate change, and the disasters it causes

As we make our way into 2025, Australia has been battling multiple climate change driven disasters. Bhiamie Williamson writes, Indigenous people bear the brunt of damage to our lands, amidst governments and the general population turning a blind eye to climate change affecting all of us.

The role of universities in balanced national conversations about racism

We continue to see the fallout from the Carumba Institute’s National Symposium on Racism  held last month, with attacks on organisers, delegates, and academic freedom.…

Women and gender diverse runners Take Back the Track from fear of violence

Sissy Austin, a long time runner, writer and activist, has launched the Take Back the Track movement, a call for women and gender diverse people to demand the right to run in safety. Sissy writes of her journey to establish the movement, and while also navigating the currents of healing; the low tides, high tides and all the swell and waves in between.

Reflections on the Unifying Anti-Racist Research and Action Symposium

Readers please be advised this article contains mentions of racism and historical crimes such as massacres against First Nations peoples. Last week I attended the…

Why Invasion Day is different this year, and how to look after yourself

Every January, Blakfullas barely get a chance to embrace a new year, before being met with the dread and racial violence that surrounds the Day of Mourning. This year, Caroline reflects, our mobs are carrying more than their fair share, and it's a reminder of the importance of looking after ourselves.

Can Counter-Storytelling Enact Black Justice? – (But why?)

This article is part of the Black Knowing series, a partnership with QUT’s Carumba Institute and IndigenousX. Jade Robertson explores, can telling our stories - truthfully, unapologetically - dismantle the systems that silence us?

Jailed at 10, Sheltered at 16: The Double Standards of Growing Up in Australia

Children as young as 10 can be jailed, and this is a symptom of a systemic failure that criminalises Aboriginal children and makes them more vulnerable to an unfair justice system. But in this recent discourse on teenagers’ interactions with social media, children are seen as impressionable, in need of protection, and too young to understand the potential harm of their actions. Shawna Pope writes, why is there such a stark difference in how Australia views kids, based on their race?

Sovereignty is a coloniser concept. We need Law in Country

Uncle Jim Everett - puralia meenamatta Elder and philosopher has been defending native forests in Tasmania from logging. In the face of colonial law, Uncle Jim writes, First Nations people need to honour our commitment to Country, and fight for the future of our lands, before colony-imposed climate change becomes a death sentence for our world.

Stop asking us to explain, define or defend our Aboriginality

Danika writes of her experiences navigating academia and life, and the power of mob and the knowledges we hold. This article is part of the Black Knowing series, a partnership with QUT’s Carumba Institute and Indigenousx.

Keeping the Fire Burning: Collective Resistance, Sharing Culture, Creating Community and Speaking Truth to Power

From colonised Australia to the ethnic-cleansing of Eelam Tamils and the occupation of Palestine. University students across the world have expressed their solidarity in standing against the genocide in Gaza. Here in so-called Australia, university students have been doing the same, with the establishment of camps on campuses. Udaya Shanmugam and Jaala Ozies share the stories behind the solidarity.

The NT election is a lesson for Labor: Govern for the good of people and planet or make way for progressives who will

Historically, people elect Labor governments because they want better conditions for people and planet. Larrakia artist Laniyuk and Māori political organiser Te Raukura write, when Labor politicians prioritise policies that favour multinational corporations while neglecting vital public services, they lose trust and votes.

Caring for Country, Culture, and Language: The Life of Fabian Nasir

Readers please be advised this article mentions people who have passed away. Photos in this article, and this story was shared with permission from Fabian…

Beyond the Horizon: Imagining Utopian Indigenous Futures

There’s been a lot of talk about Indigenous futures lately, particularly faraway futures beyond the immediate time horizon. Indigenous futurism has been described as a form of activism that dismisses the idea of a still-colonised future, unsettling settlers by breaking free of colonial conditioning and refusing to be frozen in time. When asked to forecast the life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in 2050, most of us are lost for words—this silence is telling, this silence is troubling, and this silence needs examining.

Frack Free Kimberley: Protecting Our Water, Clean Country, Healthy Community

The Kimberley region, known for its stunning landscapes and deep cultural significance, is under threat from fracking. Yisah Bin Omar, a Djukun woman, is supporting …

Reflections on Yoorrook and Palestine

Today (June 7th) marks the final day of the Yoorrook Justice Commission hearings investigating injustices in housing, health, education and economic life for First Nations peoples in Victoria. These hearings are providing space for First Nations peoples’ to give evidence in a larger act of Truth-telling, to acknowledge and hold account the institutions that contribute to genocidal and discriminatory practices. But, Sissy Austin writes, we can not be selective of which genocides we choose to be outraged over.

Yoorrook Justice Commission: Jarvis’ Story

The Yoorrook Justice Commission has been travelling across Victoria as part of its work to put the true history of the state since colonisation on the public record. The Commission has heard from thousands of First Peoples during the truth telling process – the first of its kind in Australia. Commissioner Maggie Walter shares one of the testimonies being presented today, from a First Nations man named Jarvis. Commissioner Walter has shared this with his permission.

Impact statement from Nathan Booth’s family

Nathan Booth was reported missing in July 2019, and after months of inaction from the police, his body was found in December that year, in the Murrumbidgee. After five years of waiting, the inquest into Nathan’s death is continuing this week. Yesterday Nathan’s family made a statement, which we have published with their permission.

Sorry Day: “I don’t want to stand here in 10 years-time doing the same thing”

Disclaimer: Readers please be advised this article mentions the historical and ongoing Stolen Generations, Aboriginal children being taken from their families and contains images of…

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