Changing Australia Day isn’t the end game, it’s just the first move. So if you aren’t willing to see it through to the end then maybe just don’t even bother.
Changing Australia Day isn’t the end game, it’s just the first move. So if you aren’t willing to see it through to the end then maybe just don’t even bother.
Whenever the idea of changing Australia Day gets floated or, more and more, whenever a Council announces that they are actually doing it, there are two standard negative responses.
The first is the type that Malcolm Turnbull gave in parliament. It goes: “We don’t need to change the date because Australia is already super awesome and multicultural and respects Indigenous people*” (*possibly not an actual quote). This is essentially the same line of reasoning Howard gave for not acknowledging the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and creating Harmony Day instead, basically they are saying that Australia is so not racist that we don’t even need to question if we might be racist, and anyone who dares to suggest that Australia is racist actually just hates Australia.
Turnbull also added that changing the date would somehow be turning our backs on Australian values.
That’s a particularly curious remark when combined with what he had just said about us being so multicultural and definitely not racist.
It seeks to come off as open and inclusive, celebrating a diversity of people as well as of a diversity of opinions, while simultaneously policing the boundaries of acceptable Australian-ness.
It paints a whole range of voices who oppose Australia Day, but most notably Indigenous people (even though we are probably only a very small % of Australians wanting to change the date), as representing a threat to “Australian” values.
It also ignores how much white nationalists LOVE Australia Day and hate all those who oppose it. Lots of Australians who aren’t white nationalists love it too, I’m sure, but white nationalists REALLY love it. Almost as much as they hate Jewish people and anyone who isn’t “Fair”. They definitely see it as “their” day, and there simply isn’t much going on nationally that really refutes that belief.
Even though Turnbull said how awesome Indigenous people are, and how old our culture is, he also said that changing the date would be to turn our backs on Australian values. Like Trump’s recent comments regarding Charlottesville, this is coded language exploiting Australia’s white supremacist foundations telling them “Aboriginal people hate Australian values”. It’s pretty hard not to make that connection. I’ve done the math:
A = Changing the date is turning our backs on Australian values.
B = Aboriginal people want to change the date.
so, A + B = Aboriginal people hate Australia.
The other main argument made whenever people mention why many Indigenous people want to change the date is that it won’t fix anything.
It won’t extend our life expectancy. It won’t reduce child removal or incarceration rates, or fix issues of overcrowded housing, or anything else for that matter. And they are right. Changing the date won’t do any of those things.
What it should do though is serve as an acknowledgement that we can and should do better to address those issues.
Changing the date of Australia Day is a bit like joining a gym. Doing it won’t make you lose weight, gain muscles, or get fitter in any way whatsoever. It is simply an indication that you actually want to achieve those things. Importantly, it also provides an opportunity for you to follow through on that intention. You still have to actually go to the gym at some point though, and probably eat healthier – like, you have to disrupt your own personal status quo, which is all of those damaging habits that you always knew were bad for you but shied away from addressing for so long.
And when it comes to eliminating racial discrimination, embracing Indigenous cultures and respecting multiculturalism more broadly, Australia is in pretty bad shape.
And just as nobody should give you a Gold medal for Weightlifting just for joining the gym, we can’t just use changing the date of Australia to pretend we have fixed racism and then throw a party to celebrate how harmonious we already are.
Besides, we already have Harmony Day for that, so there’s not much use for another one.
Australia seems to think that having a lot of people from other cultures here automatically makes us multicultural. It doesn’t. It makes us multi-racial, but still with a strong desire to maintain a white majority both physically and culturally. This is why Australia still pretends that assimilation is a good thing.
Assimilation is antithetical to multiculturalism and yet we still talk about assimilation as a prerequisite for being Australian. For white nationalists, assimilation is the quintessential Australian value. That we only really talk about Australian values when we are talking about who is ‘unAustralian’ should be some indication of its true purpose.
Multiculturalism is meant to mean that we embrace, incorporate and celebrate not just cultural diversity, but the strengths and opportunities it brings. And that means a lot more than bringing in ‘ethnic’ foods to school or work on designated days, and it definitely doesn’t mean getting kids to ‘dress up’ as other cultures either – seriously, stop doing that. And yes, legally speaking, people still do have a right to practice their cultures and religions and to celebrate their own events holidays and festivals, but socially and politically they still cop hell for doing so. Just look at what happens whenever someone wants to build a mosque in a rural area. If we were truly a multicultural country then logically we would embrace these expressions of culture. We’d embrace multilingualism as well, including teaching of Indigenous languages in schools.
We would have people who aren’t white better represented in media, politics, and in the other top echelons of our society, and those who do manage to make it into those roles would cop a lot less racism when they get there. We would also understand that you can’t have white dominated political and cultural institutions isn’t possible within a true meritocracy, and that thinking a white dominated society is a meritocracy is only possible with a society that has so normalised white supremacy that is can’t even recognise such an obvious sign of it.
If we were a multicultural meritocracy we would see diversity in the workplace as the strength that it objectively and empirically is, and not as a sign of ‘reverse racism’ or ‘political correctness gone mad’ (ie “assault on Australian values”).
But just changing the date of Australia Day will do nothing to address any of this. It won’t do anything to change just how problematic and politicised the modern incarnation of Australia Day has become either, but I digress.
You cannot say that Australia day embraces all Australians while simultaneously saying that people who think the date should change are unpatriotic by “turning their backs on Australian values”. That rhetoric sends a very clear message that diversity of opinion is not an important Australian value, and it is further problematic when Aboriginal people are seen as synonymous with the Change The Date movement. It further reinforces the increasingly common observation that the ideal of free speech is only invoked to defend racialised hate speech, and only in one direction.
If something as innocuous as wanting to change the date of Australia labels you as un-Australian, then what about opposing far more crucial elements of contemporary political policy and practice? What about opposing offshore detention? The mistreatment of Indigenous people? The “traditional definition of marriage”? Or being pro-choice?
Wanting to change the date of Australia Day, and the way the day itself operates to actively shape our national identity, is not unAustralian. It is expressing a desire to want Australia, and the people in it, to aspire to be better than we have been in the past, and to be better than we are right now. That is hard to do in a country that is so consistently told that their past and present is already perfect.
Changing the date is one simple way to send the message that we recognise these problems and that we plan to do something about them. But remember, if we do change the date, then we still have to follow through with the more substantial changes. If you do support changing the date but you don’t support doing the work to make the day, then just don’t bother.
We already have too many empty gestures and broken promises when it comes to actually putting in the effort it takes to become a multicultural country that respects the distinct rights of Indigenous peoples and protects the rights of all peoples from all the cultures that make up our diverse population to be free from racial discrimination and assimilation.
The truth is, that after all of the pain that the colonisers have caused, while we are led to believe that the book on Australia’s colonisation is complete, is actually still wide open, with plenty of blank pages to be filled in.
A change of date will do nothing to shake Australia from its colonial-settler triumphalism
Least anyone become overly concerned, the date chosen to mark Australia Day has historically been a movable feast. For instance, July 15 was once the favoured date. While many believe that the current date – January 26 – commemorates the landing of the so-called “First Fleet” (which itself is historically inaccurate), I would expect that the date was moved from the gloom of a southern winter to mid-summer for the sake of devotees of the barbeque and patriotic lamb advertisements.
With the urgency we have now to not only represent our First Nations and peoples but for the Australian nation holistically, it’s time to #ChangeTheNation our way. If Australia is genuine about listening to Indigenous voices then the power imbalance has to shift urgently
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