We’ve decided to start making some short videos since we’ve all got a bit more time on our hands... our first one is from IndigenousX founder and CEO Luke Pearson talking about ‘Why didn’t Aboriginal people invent the wheel?’ - not just the reasons why we didn’t but, more importantly, the reason racists love to bring this up. Hope you enjoy!
We’ve decided to start making some short videos since we’ve all got a bit more time on our hands… our first one is from IndigenousX founder and CEO Luke Pearson talking about ‘Why didn’t Aboriginal people invent the wheel?’ – not just the reasons why we didn’t but, more importantly, the reason racists love to bring this up. Hope you enjoy!
The problem for Blackfullas is that news and current affairs is not ‘for our viewing pleasure’ nor is it just information or entertainment. It is an apparatus of colonial control that makes the brutality of colonisation seem perfectly rational and acceptable.
26 other shitty things we have to survive in January….
Despite what our name suggests, the Wild Black Women welcome in the new year with the same optimism of Karen from HR extolling her ‘new year new me’ resolutions.
Being Inclusive of Aboriginal People is Divisive Because… Reasons.
Divisive is one of those words that some politician used once to justify their racism, sexism, and/or homophobia and everyone else has just kinda jumped on the bandwagon.
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