Tania Lewis

Tania Lewis is an Awabakal woman with a disability who is wheelchair bound. She is married to a loving hubby of 28yrs, Leonard, a proud Wiradjuri man. Together they have a beautiful 19yr old daughter called Faith and a little dog called Moo. Tania’s passion passion is helping our Mob with a disability get the best they can outta their own life, from helping them with the NDIS or their health issues or yarning circles at our local Art Gallery.
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Tania's articles

Just my story – part 5

The NDIA have turned my beautiful family’s life upside down...

Just my story – part four

There was a time when I woke up there was four church women sitting beside my bed who were watching me and praying over me whilst I slept...

Just my story – part three

After, Len and Faith left I just laid there in tears. Tears because I had just told my beautiful Len that it was over, and I wanted him to find someone better, and tears of anger and frustration because I knew that this nursing home was going to be my forever home.

Just my story – part two

Because I was so young when I had my stroke, our health system ‘failed me’. They couldn’t help provide Len with some nursing support in our home because all that was available was the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) and that only applied to aged or people in hospital who needed 24hr care and there was no other option other than what our doctor said, to take me back to the hospital, because someone had to be there to raise our daughter.

Just my story – part one

I cried and he cried and he held me crying, then he told the nurse that I understood him and could respond by blinking. They didn’t believe him at first, but they eventually asked me questions, and I responded to them all.

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