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Nich Richie

Nich is a proud Queer Erub person with a passion for people and change, and a strong interest in Geek Media and Pop-Culture. They’re most known for their Tiktok Activism and Education content.
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Nich's articles

Indigenous scientist Kirsten Banks is on a journey to educate

"It goes against their ways of white science," Kirsten Banks hit back against the continued disregard of Indigenous Sciences.

How to Gaslight a Nation and Alienate People

Jon-Bernard gaslit a nation. He built his platform, manipulating and playing on the emotions of the frustrated and disenfranchised. In no surprise to anyone, it wouldn’t be Jon-Bernard’s racism that would deplatform him.

Supanova, We Need To Talk

As a former volunteer of Supanova, an Activist and the writer of this article, I myself have to express my absolute disgust that Homophobes and White Supremacists were allowed to push their propaganda at Supanova, and have decided to never attend a Supanova again.
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