Melanie Briggs

Melanie Briggs is a Wodi Wodi Dharawal Gumbayngirr Waranj and is a Traditional Birthing Rites advocate for #BirthingOnCountry. Melanie is a senior midwife for Waminda South Coast Aboriginal Women’s Health and Welfare Corporation and was the first endorsed Aboriginal midwife in NSW and is currently one of only two endorsed Aboriginal midwives in Australia. Melanie aims to support Aboriginal women claim their sovereign birthing rights and connect with their Lore and Country during their pregnancy and birthing journey.
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Melanie's articles

Birthing On Country is a Sovereign Right For Indigenous Parents

Indigenous maternal and neonatal outcomes are disappointing, given that Australia prides itself on the delivery of safe clinical maternity care. Indigenous women are disproportionality disadvantaged when it comes to culturally safe maternity care, and often experience racism when accessing mainstream services, which forms distrust and disengagement in mainstream maternity services.

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