Jaala Ozies

Jaala Ozies is a proud Djukun woman from the Minyirr Djukun Clan, raised on Djukun Country in the Kimberley region. She acknowledges her patrilineage connection to the Djukun, Karajarri, Nyikina, and Kija people. Her matrilineage connection is to the Goreng Goreng and Quandamooka (Nunukul) people. Currently, Jaala is pursuing a Master of Social Work at the University of Queensland, having previously graduated from Curtin University with a degree in Community Development. In addition to her academic pursuits, Jaala is a professional hairdresser and the founder of Medibush. She is also a children's book author, dedicating her spare time to the revitalisation of the Djukun language. Through her multifaceted efforts, Jaala remains deeply committed to preserving and promoting her cultural heritage and supporting her community.
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Jaala Ozies
Jaala's articles

Caring for Country, Culture, and Language: The Life of Fabian Nasir

Readers please be advised this article mentions people who have passed away. Photos in this article, and this story was shared with permission from Fabian…

Frack Free Kimberley: Protecting Our Water, Clean Country, Healthy Community

The Kimberley region, known for its stunning landscapes and deep cultural significance, is under threat from fracking. Yisah Bin Omar, a Djukun woman, is supporting …

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