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Ellen van Neerven

Ellen van Neerven is an award-winning writer of Mununjali Yugambeh (South East Queensland) and Dutch heritage. They write fiction, poetry, plays and non-fiction. Ellen’s books include Heat and Light, Comfort Food, Throat and Personal Score: Sport, Identity, Culture.
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A photo of Ellen, a person with short hair. They are smiling.
Ellen's articles

Shifting Attitudes to Invasion Day Give Me Hope

Growing up in the early 1990s, Australia Day celebrations were everywhere. It was a huge commodity largely felt through the local community, school, and social…

Blak friends in a ‘friendship recession’

Post-lockdowns, and even just as our lives get busier, it can be difficult maintaining connections with friends. Ellen van Neerven writes of prioritising Blak friendships can be significant in times like these.

Symbolism and the Women’s World Cup

In a Referendum year when politics is all around us, the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 has raised important questions for Ellen van Neerven who explores its political symbolism and the irony of “keeping politics out of sport”.

Uncompromisingly Oodgeroo

Ooodgeroo Noonuccal was a First Nations poet, activist, and educator. She was a significant voice for First Nations peoples' rights as citizens through her writing and her work as an advocate. To celebrate Ooodgeroo's birthday, award-winning Mununjali Yugambeh author, playwright and poet Ellen van Neerven has written a poem to reflect on Oodgeroo, and how she has inspired them.
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