Dr Heron Loban

Dr Heron Loban is a Torres Strait Islander woman with family connections to Mabuiag and Boigu. Dr Loban is an academic, former lawyer and expert in Indigenous law and justice issues. Dr Loban has held a number of key positions in community-based, not-for-profit companies and sat on numerous State, Territory and Commonwealth advisory committees on a range of issues relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia. She is currently an academic based at Griffith University, Brisbane.
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Dr Heron's articles

History Made: Torres Strait Adoption Bill passes

Today, 8 September 2020, the child rearing practices of Torres Strait Islanders were given recognition in the law of Queensland by the passage of the Meriba Omasker Kaziw Kazipa (Torres Strait Islander Traditional Child Rearing Practice) Bill 2020 through parliament. Years of Torres Strait Islander Elder advocacy have led to this extraordinary outcome.

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