Darby Jones

Darby Jones is a freelance writer and editor of Kamilaroi, Scottish and English heritage. His manuscript-in-progress, Unintelligible Bodies, is a work of long-form prose poetry that interrogates Australia’s colonial, heteropatriarchal social structure. It was recently awarded a Varuna First Nations Fellowship and a Magabala Books Creative Development Scholarship.
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Darby Jones
Darby's articles

The power of Aboriginal literature in the wake of Australia’s ‘No’

So-called Australia has a long history of white voices being the ones who speak on First Nations stories, and how we’re represented. Thankfully, Blak voices have been emerging in academia and literature, and more stories are being told our way. These Blak voices are especially important now, Darby Jones writes, in the wake of a failed referendum, where 60% of the nation expressed their desire for our silence.

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