Complaints Policy


IndigenousX Pty Ltd (IX, we, us, our) is committed to providing content specific to the advancement of Indigenous Australian voices. We take every precaution in ensuring that factual news based pieces are accurate and supported. We do not take responsibility for the contents of opinion editorial pieces as this rests with the author.

IX publishes content that can be confronting. Where possible, IX publishes content warnings for its readers.

Making a Complaint

What can I complain about?

  • If there is a fact recorded inaccurately in a news piece
  • If there is a source quoted incorrectly
  • If there is an egregious error in an article or source.

If there is content on the IX platform that you wish to make a complaint about, you can do so by contacting IX with your detailed complaint with the complaints form on our site or at:

Email: [email protected]

Any complaints made, will require disclosure of personal information which will be collected in accordance with our Privacy Policy which will be used to respond to you directly and stored securely.


IX takes complaints seriously as the content provided on our platform is intended to not only perform, but provide a platform in which social justice is addressed by providing a voice to the voiceless. We know that in such culturally charged environments, sometimes intent does not equal success and as such, we have created a robust complaints process:

  1. Upon receipt of a complaint, the complaint will be considered by the Director who will consider the veracity of the complaint;
  2. If the complaint is within the scope of this Policy and warrants investigation and determination, the Director will convene the Complaints Panel which consists of the Director and editorial contributors;
  3. The Complaints panel will consider the complaint and the content being complained about and make a determination as to whether the complaint warrants a response;
  4. A written response from IX will be received within 28 days of the lodgement of the complaint and may include:
    1. Confirmation that the complaint was received, investigated and it was determined that no action will be taken;
    2. Confirmation that the complaint was received, investigated and it was determined that the content will be revised as appropriate; or
    3. Confirmation that the complaint was received, investigated and it was determined that the content will be removed.

If the complainant is unsatisfied by the outcome of their complaint, the complainant will be referred to the Australian Press Council.

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Enquire now

If you are interested in our services or have any specific questions, please send us an enquiry.
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